Student Representative
Newton obtained his Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Biochemistry from the University of Calgary, with a minor in Chemistry. During his studies, he specialized in bioinorganic chemistry with a focus on biomembrane research. In his thesis project, he explored the interactions between phospholipid based liposomes and toxic metal mixtures containing mercury, cadmium, and lead. Newton is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta, where his research centers on investigating the biochemical mechanisms underlying adverse and idiosyncratic drug reactions caused by non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (N SAIDs) via the formation of reactive metabolites.
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Alberta
2-020H Katz Group Rexall Centre for Pharmacy and Health Research
11361 87 Ave., Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
Email: nhtran1@ualberta.ca