Abstracts should describe original research conducted by the authors. Text is limited to 2,000 characters (space included) and cannot include symbols (e.g., @, !, $, etc). Abstracts should not include figures, tables or chemical structures. All non-standard acronyms must be defined.
Presenters will be notified by November 10th if their abstract is accepted. All accepted abstracts can be presented as large posters for in-person registrants. For virtual registrants, digital poster (3mn video) can be prepared and uploaded. Detailed instructions on how to prepare posters will be sent with the notification.
Based on excellence and/or relevance to the Symposium themes, some abstracts may also be selected for a short platform presentation.
STC welcomes the submission of abstracts from all toxicology topics, as they relate to human and environmentally relevant chemicals, and not limited to EDCs.